Thursday, December 14, 2006

"Villa Celeste" Celestina Gasca, Mx

Hello from us again!! We have had a couple of very fun and interesting days here at Villa Celeste. The bottom pictures are of the Posada. A Posada is a very important celebration for Catholics here in Mexico. It is a celebration of when Joseph and Mary were trying to find lodging so they could have their baby in a lodge, not some smelly barn with Animal shit all over the place. Guess that did not work out very well. Enjoy these pictures as it was a total blast for us. Oh, our host were Noe and Estella the owners here. They also served us food!!!

December 12th 2006
La Posada.

Ok, a bit of explaining here. This picture should of been on of the last ones here, but the damn picture would not go where it was suppost to be. This is Noe, the owner breaking the paňta up as whatever it was made out of, Ron, the guy in the yellow shirt behind Noe there in the picture, was right to say they could of made Truck tires out of it. It just would not break. NOE attacked it with his feet and stick.....Killed it dead.

This is Estella. Notice she is cheating as she has NO mask on. Cheater, Cheater, Punkin eater!!

This very nice couple is Noe and Estella. The owners and our wonderful host.

This is our wonderful friend Frank. Chuck is watching frank eat this gooey stuff that taste not so great by itself, but when you dip a piece of sugar cane in it, it is really good. Sort of a caramel stuff, but more weird.

This is Estella, Her mom, Estella and Luis a family friend.

Ok, your truly trying for the big hit. yeah, looks like I did NOT do so well.

Jim with the BIG Reach.


Wow, chucks going to get it!! He did to, it came back and hit him.

Ron is hitting and Linda is keeping her very own trophy from her hit. Yep, she actually was the first to tear a piece off that thing!!

Our table. Before food.

Frank getting spun. Then lead in the wrong direction.

Linda. HELP ME!! HELP ME!! Come on, just give me a hand. (Notice Noe is staying behind that women with a stick!!)

Ron with his hand on the rope trying to find the Piňata.

Noe takes out his frustrations after everyone has had a turn. There were lots more, but you all get the drift. (That Noe can be a mean one!!)

Now for Yesterday. This was so so cool. Noe and Estella got hold of the Turtle rescue place and they brought Turtles for us to free and gave a wonderful talk to go along with the release. Let me tell you that these pictures are not in order. We will have to skip back and forth as Chuck was having lots of trouble getting the computer to stay online long enough to get this all done, it took him from five A.M. to after 12 noon to do this. Yeah to chuck for sticking to it!!! See, he just wants to please everyone and share.

December 13th 2006
La Tortuga's.

The presention was under the palapa. First she told us of what Turtles come to this area and at what times, when they lay eggs and all that great stuff.

These are the little darlings going for freedom and probley certain death. One out of every 100 turtles make it to reproduce. The rest of them die from being eaten, netting from fishermen, and trash in the ocean. Just this morning I walked the beach and picked up three bags (big bags) of trash and I only got a quarter of a mile down the beach. Shame that the Mexican people do not realize what trash does to the earth.

I am trying to encourage a turtle to move. Pancho wants to sniff it. I would not let him. HE would of hurt it thinking it was something to play with.

I love the little tracks they leave as they scurry to the water. They are slow starters until they hit the waves.

These are the two girls who help the turtles.

This is a wonderful visual aid of a turtles nest inside. (I like visual aids)

These are turtle eggs in various degrees of development in the jars. The map is the turtles that come into this region. The turtle on the upper left is what we released.

This is our great and wonderful friend Dianna loving on her soon to be released Turtle. That is Estella in the striped shirt behind her, and on the left in the white shorts and pants is Frank. Notice how frank is hugging his turtle to him. Very protective father.

This really was not a racing wait...maybe it was!!!

And there off, Dianna's is in the front, not Ron's is overtaking the rest.....oh NO, Chucks turtle in an all out splint has created a whole new record for turtle flight , surpassing all others in an all out effort to be first!!!!

Noe doesn't want to let his turtle go. Notice mama Estella in the background starting him down....she will make sure his Turtle does not go in the bathtub!!!

These are the little darling before release. They are so cute. Makes you just want to kiss them!!

Linda. Sweet Linda and her baby.

Like a proud mama, Linda lets Chuck have a close-up of her baby. Nice close up to.

Ok, for some dang reason the curer is not going below the picture. Here everyone is sad cause the babies are gone. We watched there little heads bob out in the ocean and waved good-by to our short time charges.

As you can see, Noe and Estella go out of there way to try and make sure there guest have a fun and enjoyable time. This truly is a special place and these are special people who want to combine fun and ecology education when they can. Anyone coming this way really should stay here for a few days and get to experience the warm hospitality of this couple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two look like you are having the adventure of a life time. Godspeed with you and be safe. Love you guys.