Monday, January 21, 2008

Still in Quartsite.

Sunday Jan 20th 2008
Quartsite, AZ

Yeah, I know it is really not Sunday, but this is what we did on Sunday. It was a fine day. Chuck, Pancho and I went on an ATV ride to look for Geo Caches in the desert hills. It was a nice sunny day with no wind. I was actually able to take my two jackets off for about an hour, although I did have long sleeve on. It is still cold to me, around 50 during the day. I think on this Sunday the temp got up to the mid 60's.

A Crested Saguaro Cactus, Apparently fairly rare that is is growing like this.

I liked the texture of this cactus as it grew. These cactus look in a lot better shape from a distance. Bird and mice seem to tear them up pretty good to the point that some of them die.

The way this is shaped and the angel this picture was taken is quite cool.

These two Cactus we called the twins. They looked almost like twins. We did not see any cactus like these two the whole day, so I guess they must be pretty special growing close to each other like that and looking so much the same.

This sign gave us a good laugh. It was an "oh shit" road to going up. I had to get off and walk at one point. Going down I got to stay on the ATV, but it was fun.

This is uphill and is the good part. It is to bad that the camera never show's how steep a road or trail really is. This thing, although it is the good part was pretty steep.

This is from the top. At the top there is a mine. It is not an old mine either as the post holding the entrance have round nails in them. Also there is tin at the entrance, something the old miners did not have and probley would not of been able to carry anyway.

All those white dots are RV's, and this is only 1 small section of them.

I really would like to take one of these red barrel cactus back to Deming. There are so many here that I told Chuck from a distance they all look like red headed Indians peaking for attack over the rocks. I can not take any back however cause it is illegal to take anything out of an Arizona desert. Even dead branches of cactus. Besides, it might not live until we get back to Deming, so I guess these cactus are safe from me relocating them.

While we were at the mine, some other ATVers came up the road. There are so many people here that while riding you will run into people. Not only on ATV's, but in Jeeps, dune buggies and motorcycles. They all drive Pancho crazy. He wants to bit them all.

This is me looking that the entrance of the mine. Pancho is following.

This is the entrance. A big section of the entrance fell down, or it was blasted off to seal off the entrance. There was rail tracks going into it also, you can see them at the bottom of this picture. It would of been a neat place to explore if it was safer. Or if you wanted to lay on your belly and crawl in. I am not that into going into an unsafe area that I would get on my belly and crawl through beams, rat poop and owl poop hoping NOT to run into a rattler that I would do that. Pancho did not even want to go in very far and that say's a lot when your dog says no.

This is at another place away from the mine. If you look closer or make the picture bigger by clicking on it you can see Old Indian writings. Very cool.

Do you Know what this is??? Yes, it is a hole, but from what???

This is what it looks like when you walk up to them. They are holes that the women would put corn and nuts in to grind. I can just see these women talking while they watch the water in the river (This is on a river bar and I expect at one time there was quite a bit of water here) and the children while they worked. So this is some of what we saw on Sunday. It was a fine day and we had a blast. Pretty country in the hills with lots to see. We also came upon some rocks that people over the years have carved into. Some as old as 1903. One I was real impressed with was from a Mexican man in 1925. The time he took to carve the way they used to write was real impressive. Sorry we did not get a picture of that. We will continue to post as we go.

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